Here at Dial‑a‑Podcast, we strive to create an outstanding experience for both our clients and, in turn, theirs! If we’ve made a difference for you and your audience, we’d love it if you would share our service with someone (or many someones)! We’ve outlined three ways that you can share below.

Option 1

Write a Testimonial

If you’ve never written a testimonial for us before, now is your chance! Each client is welcome to tell us their feedback as many times as they like, but we’ll only be offering the reward for the first time.

Who is Eligible?:
  • Any current Dial‑a‑Podcast clients who have maintained their subscription for a minimum of one month.
How Does it Work?:

Just fill out the form with positive feedback!


A couple of coffees on us! ($10 Visa Gift Card, sent digitally)

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Option 2

Plug Us With Your Audience

We’d love for you to spread the word with your audience if our service is helpful for you. Whether in your podcast message or in a marketing email, we’re happy to reward you for your time and the listeners’ attention.

Who is Eligible?:
  • Any current Dial‑a‑Podcast clients who have maintained their subscription for a minimum of one month, and
  • Must have at least 10 pre-existing podcasts, and
  • Must have an audience of over 100 people
How Does it Work?:
  1. Spend 1 minute in your podcast talking about Dial‑a‑Podcast and how it works, and how it’s worked for you and your business. Check out our Media Kit for suggested copy you can read and make sure to use the name, “Dial‑a‑Podcast,” and encourage people to get more information on our website,

    — OR —

    Place our business name, description, and website prominently in your marketing communication (email newsletter, weekly bulletin, etc.) or on your social media. Check out our Media Kit for logos and images you can use!

  2. Do this 5 times over the course of 6 months.
  3. Send us a link or a copy of the communication ( once it is made public for verification.

$50 Visa Gift Card, sent digitally

Option 3

Refer Another Podcaster

Trusting us with your friends, family, and network is the ultimate compliment you can give. If you do have someone who might be a good fit for Dial‑a‑Podcast, we’d love for you to share the service with them!

Who is Eligible?:
  • Any current Dial‑a‑Podcast clients.
How Does it Work?:
  1. Refer someone to our service, and let us know that you did by filling out the form below. We’ll also ask them how they found us, but we want to make sure to connect you and them.
  2. If they sign up and they stick around for at least three months total, you’ll be rewarded!
  3. There’s no limit to how many podcasters you can refer!
  • If they sign up and pay for 3 months of the Entry Plan, you’ll receive a $10 credit in your account.
  • If they sign up and pay for 3 months of the Standard Plan, you’ll receive a $30 credit in your account.

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If you have any questions about the terms and eligibility, feel free to reach out to us for clarification!